Ontario Works
Watch this video to learn more about getting started with Ontario Works! As the Service Manager for Ontario Works throughout the District of Parry Sound, the DSSAB can help you:
• access the financial benefits available through the Ontario Works program
• find a job or the training needed to find work
• connect to health, housing, childcare and other social services
• by referring you to education, training and employment supports
The focus of the Ontario Works program is to provide financial,
employment and life stabilization support to those in need. Case workers
provide personalized service and can help you navigate the broader
system of supports and services available within the community.
To apply for Ontario works, please visit https://ontario.ca/socialassistance – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The online application will take approximately 40 minutes to complete.
If you have questions and would like to speak to someone over the phone, please call our office:
Parry Sound – Local (705) 746-8886 or (Toll Free) 1-800-461-4464
South River – Local (705) 386-2358 or (Toll Free) 1-800-661-3230
What is Ontario Works?
The Ontario Works Act, 1997 provides the framework for social assistance in Ontario. The Ontario Works program provides financial and employment support to assist individuals with their basic needs and accommodation while focusing on obtaining paid employment. Financial Assistance is provided to eligible persons who demonstrate need and satisfy the requirements to pursue and retain employment. We operate on the principles of respect and dignity for all, enhancing self-esteem, fostering independence, self reliance and community contribution.
Access your OW or ODSP information online
Anytime, Anywhere!
Did you know you can access information about your case, report income, and change your address online? Register now at Ontario.ca/MyBenefits
Apply for emergency assistance online.
Learn how to get short term financial support if you are in a crisis or an emergency situation and don’t have enough money for things like food and housing.
Intake can be done in person or over the phone, Monday – Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm.
You can also apply online at https://ontario.ca/socialassistance – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The online application will take approximately 40 minutes to complete.
South River Office
16 Toronto Avenue
Box 1600
South River, Ontario
P0A 1X0
705-386-2358 or 1-800-661-3230
Parry Sound Office
1 Beechwood Drive
Parry Sound, Ontario
P2A 1J2
705-746-8886 or 1-800-461-4464
The application can take up to 40 minutes to complete and it is important to have all of the following information available at the time of the application. This information is needed for each immediate family member.
Date(s) of Birth
Social Insurance Number(s)
Health Card Number(s)
Immigration Information (if applicable)
Accommodation information including rent/mortgage amounts, heat and hydro expenses, property taxes etc.
Address history for the last 12 months
All asset information (ie. bank account details, investments, life insurance and vehicle details).
All Income details for each family member, including current income and earnings, if applicable (ie. National Child Benefit Supplement, EIB, WSIB, Support, and Earnings).
Please have all of the information available to ensure the best possible service.

assistance from Ontario Works pending determination of eligibility under ODSP. Ontario Works assists people to make an ODSP application.Spouses of ODSP recipients, who do not have caregiver responsibilities and do not have a disability, are required to look for work with the help of Ontario Works. Ontario Works employment assistance services will help spouses and dependent adults of ODSP recipients find a job that can put these families on the path to financial independence.For more information please visit the MCSS Website by clicking here
Our Homelessness Prevention Program assists community members with housing issues. We also provide tenant and landlord education, tenant and landlord mediation, and public education on homelessness and affordable housing issues.This program works to:
- To improve access to and connect households that are homeless with community services
- To support households experiencing homelessness to obtain and keep longer-term housing
- And to assist households at risk of homelessness
Homelessness Prevention Program Funding (HPP)
Are you experiencing rental arrears or utility arrears, or struggling to afford connection fees due to COVID-19? Are you currently suffering a housing crisis? Our Homelessness Prevention team works to prevent, reduce and address social problems that create or prolong homelessness. If you’re experiencing any of these difficulties, you may quality for Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP) funding or even a Short Term Housing Allowance. In the District of Parry Sound, HPP funding is administered under a service agreement between the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the District of Parry Sound Social Services Administration Board (DSSAB), as the Service Manager. This funding aims to prevent and end homelessness by improving access to adequate, suitable, and affordable housing and homelessness services for people experiencing homelessness and for people at-risk of homelessness. Still have questions? Please reach out and chat with us. If you are a low income earner, a senior, or are receiving support through the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) please call (705) 746-7777 Ext. 5209 or email us at hpp@psdssab.org.
If you are in receipt of Ontario Works, please reach out to your case worker for more information.
The vision of HPP is:A coordinated and holistic service delivery system that is people-centered, evidence informed and outcomes-based, and reflects a Housing First approach that focuses on homelessness prevention and reduces reliance on emergency services.The two key program outcomes of HPP are:
- People experiencing homelessness obtain and retain housing
- People at risk of homelessness remain housed
For more information on Homelessness Prevention Program Funding, please visit Addressing homelessness | Ontario.ca