Rent Assistance Programs

What is a Rent Supplement?
The rent supplement program whereby units in buildings owned by both private sector landlords and non-profit/co-operative community housing providers are subsidized for tenants who cannot afford market level rents. Rent supplements involve a contract between these private landlords or non-profit/co-operative social housing providers and the government. Tenants pay a rent-geared-to-income (RGI) portion of the rent directly to the landlord (set at 30% of their incomes), and the rent supplement program bridges the gap between the actual market rent for the unit and the tenant’s RGI rent. If the tenant receives government assistance (e.g., Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), Ontario Works (OW)), they pay a predetermined rent amount based on a provincial scale. Involvement in the program is voluntary for both private landlords and social housing providers.
Applicant Eligibility
- applicant must be on (or eligible to be on) the Community Housing Waiting List
- income cannot exceed ‘Household Income Limits’ as established by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- tenant cannot be related to owner/landlord/managing agent
- other eligibility criteria may be in place for specialized rent supplement/housing allowance programs
How can landlords get involved in the Rent Supplement Program?
Landlords or managing agents of rental units who are interested in participating in the Rent Supplement Program should contact the District of Parry Sound Social Services Administration Board (DSSAB) Housing and Community Services Department at 1-877-767-6060
Unit eligibility
rents cannot exceed CMHC average market rent (fully serviced)
satisfactory state of repair (inspection required)
must meet occupancy standards
not eligible: hostels, group home/congregate living arrangements, nursing & retirement homes
The steps involved are:
The DSSAB will forward a Rent Supplement Program application to the landlord. A landlord may offer any number of units within a building as part of the rent supplement program.
Once the application has been approved, the DSSAB will inspect the rental building to determine suitability.
If acceptable, the DSSAB and the landlord will enter into a rent supplement agreement for a specific number of units for a specific period of time.
Under this agreement, the DSSAB will refer eligible rent supplement tenants to the landlord, calculate the rent to be paid by the tenant directly to the landlord, and pay the landlord the difference between the tenant’s rent and the regular market rent each month.
The landlord has the right to refuse any referral from the DSSAB based on normal rights of refusal of landlords (e.g. a poor rental history).
The landlord will enter into a lease with the tenant and the standard relationship between the landlord and tenant will apply as per the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA).
Units selected for the rent supplement program are based on a number of criteria, including need, local priorities, new construction targets, maximum rent limitations, and the provision of modified units for the physically disabled.