Funding Information
Beginning January 1, 2025, the Province has implemented funding under the new cost-based funding approach based on the actual eligible costs to deliver early learning and child care incurred during the calendar year, up to a maximum funding amount determined by the prescribed formula, benchmarks, and Ministry Guidelines. In addition to the cost-based funding allocation licensed operators are eligible to access funding under the following envelopes. The funding below is application based and dependent on the availability of funding that will vary from year to year.
To be eligible to access funding through the DSSAB Operators must:
· have a current Service Agreement with the DSSAB

Note for Operators who are enrolled in the CWELCC System serving children 0-5 years of age and have a Service Agreement with the DSSAB the Wage Enhancement Grant (WEG) and the Home Child Care Enhancement Grant (HCCEG) are included in the cost-based benchmark allocation. Operators not eligible for enrollment in CWELCC as they exclusively serve children 6-12 years of age are able to apply for WEG and/or HCCEG from the DSSAB.
The WEG is provided to help retain Registered early childhood educators (RECEs) and other child care program staff who play a key role during the critical years of a child’s development. The WEG is also intended to help bridge the wage gap between RECEs working in the publicly funded education system and those in the licensed child care sector.
The HCCEG is provided to home child care providers contracted with a licensed home child care agency.
The WEG supports an increase of up to $2 per hour, plus 17.5 percent benefits for licensed program staff and home visitors and the HCCEG supports an increase of up to $20 per day for home child care providers.
Note for Operators who are enrolled in the CWELCC System serving children 0-5 years of age and have a Service Agreement with the DSSAB will have Workforce Compensation funding included in the cost-based benchmark allocation. Operators not eligible for enrollment in CWELCC as they exclusively serve children 6-12 years of age are able to apply to the DSSAB for Workforce Compensation funding.
Workforce compensation funding supports recruitment and retention of Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE) staff who are low wage earners working in the child care sector as part of a provincial strategy to achieve system growth and ensure increased access to high quality licensed child care in Ontario.
The recruitment and retention of Ontario’s child care workforce will be supported through improved compensation for low wage earners by introducing:
- A wage floor
- An annual wage increase for eligible RECEs
In addition, if applicable workforce compensation funding will be provided to Operators to offset wage increases for non-RECE staff associated with the increased minimum wage that came into effect January 1, 2022.
Workforce Compensation funding includes up to 17.5% in benefits. Benefits of up to 17.5% must support Operators in meeting their statutory benefit requirements. Once all statutory benefit requirements are met (including up to 2 weeks of vacation and 9 statutory days), any remaining funding within 17.5% can be used to fund other benefit expenses paid by the employer on behalf of the employee.
General Operating Expense Grant (GOG) funding is available to Operators not eligible to participate in the CWELCC System as they exclusively serve children 6 to 12 years of age. Operators can apply for funding that will be calculated using the cost-based funding approach and Operators will be subject to enter into a Service Agreement with the DSSAB. Approval is dependent on availability of funding and the Operator demonstrating they can meet the minimum wage and mandatory benefits requirements without general operating funding.
General operating expense funding may be used for ongoing costs attributable to child care provided by an eligible Operator, including:
- Staff wages and benefits (certain conditions apply)
- Compliance with Ontario codes and licensing requirements
- One time repair and maintenance costs
- Lease and occupancy costs
- Utilities
- Administration
- Transportation for children
- Resources
- Nutrition
- Supplies
- Play-based materials and equipment
- Licensed Home Child Care Base (LHCC) Funding
Capacity building funding is intended to support professional learning and development opportunities that build the capacity of licensees, supervisors, program staff/caregivers, home visitors, home child care providers and non-profit volunteer board members to support the provision of high-quality programs for children ages 0 to 12.
The DSSAB will review and consider all applications for capacity building funding however will prioritize funding for Operators that:
- Have limited access to professional learning and development opportunities;
- Require support in improving program quality;
- Leverage resources for licensees and program staff in supporting children with special needs;
- Have limited capacity in business administration; or
- Serve Francophone or Indigenous children and families.
Examples of allowable expenses include:
- Opportunities that align with the CCEYA such as workshops, coaching, networks etc.;
- Opportunities that align with HDLH and promote reflective practice;
- Professional learning communities of practice
- Opportunities related to health, safety and well-being of children (first aid, nutrition, environmental health)
- Release time for professional learning and development
- Travel Costs
One-time general funding is available to support eligible Operators with non-discretionary and unexpected expenses for health and safety issues or repairs and maintenance. Priorities would include;
- Code compliance
- Licensing compliance (such as health and safety requirements)
- Major system repair or replacement
- Play area repair or replacement
- Repair or replacement of food preparation equipment/area
- Washroom repair or replacement
Inclusion Support funding is intended to be used to support the inclusion of children with exceptional and significant needs in a licensed child care setting at no additional cost to parents/guardians.
Local special needs services and supports continue to evolve over time to meet the diverse and changing needs of children, their families, and communities. The funding approach continues to enhance the ability for the DSSAB to respond to needs specifically related to safety, mobility and/or health concerns.
The DSSAB employs Resource Consultants who are available to support licensed child care operators with;
- Hands on interventions and consultation with children and their families
- Work closely with child care operators to support program adaptations, strategies and facilitate learning through shared resources and professional learning opportunities
- Provide referrals to community agencies
- Support children and their families through transition to school
Funding for the provision of additional time limited support for children who have exceptional needs is available through application to the DSSAB. Special Needs Resource funding is application based and subject to available funding through the DSSAB.