Child Care Survey
The DSSAB is updating our current 5-year Child Care & Early Years Service Plan in 2025, and we welcome your feedback and input to improve the access and delivery of quality early years and child care programs throughout the district.
If you are a parent or guardian of a child or children aged birth to 12 years, we are asking you to complete this survey which should take you approximately 10 minutes to complete.
As a thank you for completing this survey, we would like to enter your name into a draw for one of four $50.00 gift cards from a grocery store of your choice in your community. To enter into the draw, please include your name and contact information at the end of this survey.
Survey closes March 31, 2025

What is a DSSAB?
You may often hear the term “DSSAB” within our community. DSSAB stands for District Social Services Administration Board. A special agency created by the Province and given the responsibilities to deliver Social Services within the community. These were created, in the north, where there is no existing municipal government with the legal jurisdiction to act as a Service Manager.

NEW! Child Care Application Portal
The District of Parry Sound Social Services Administration Board is pleased to provide a new resource specifically designed to help families find and apply to quality child care by matching specific preferences to available child care services. No more running from place to place to find suitable care. No more calling multiple child care providers. No more filling out multiple application forms. Simply create an account online and apply to any number of licensed child care programs at the same time. It’s that easy!
The new portal provides:
• The ability to research different early learning and child care (ELCC) programs and the type of care offered
• Maps of locations of ELCC programs close to your home or work
• The option to apply to any number of school board operated or licenced ELCC programs for multiple children at once
• Information about fee subsidies and special needs resources
• A highly secure website that ensures your privacy
• Access to change your application anywhere, anytime!
Our Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Apply for Ontario Works
Apply for Ontario Works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The online application will take approximately 40 minutes to complete.
Access your OW or ODSP information online
Anytime, Anywhere!
Did you know you can access information about your case, report income, and change your address online? Register now at Ontario.ca/MyBenefits
Apply for Short Term Financial Emergency assistance
Learn how to get short term financial support if you are in a crisis or an emergency situation and don’t have enough money for things like food and housing.
Let us help you!
- Parry Sound Administration Office
- (705) 746-7777
- Toll Free: 1-800-850-8555
- 1 Beechwood Drive, Parry Sound, ON P2A 1J2.
- South River Administration Office
- (705) 386-2552
- Toll Free: 1-800-563-4201
16 Toronto Avenue
South River, ON P0A 1X0